All London's live music


The Heavy Heavy

Scala, N1 9NL , [Venue Details]

Formed in 2019, The Heavy Heavy emerged from a potent alchemy of their eclectic sensibilities.

19 Feb 2025
Doors open @6.30pm

Hailing from the small town of Malvern (a stretch of the English countryside he describes as “a beautiful place full of hippies and longhaired people”), Turner took up guitar in his early teens and later played in a series of psychedelic/surf-rock bands, while Fuller’s extensive background includes performing at Montreux Jazz Festival as a teenager and acting in the London theater. As they moved forward with a mission of “making music that sounds like our favorite records ever” (including everything from Peter Green-era Fleetwood Mac to folk-blues act Delaney & Bonnie to Fleet Foxes), the duo dreamed up a batch of songs in a London flat and self-released an early version of Life and Life Only in late 2020, eventually catching the attention of ATO Records and signing with the U.S.-based label in 2022.

More Information

  • Admission: £28.33

  • Performer name: The Heavy Heavy

  • Age restriction: 16+

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The Heavy Heavy

Wednesday, 19 Feb 2025 Doors open @6.30pm

Scala, N1 9NL

More Information

Formed in 2019, The Heavy Heavy emerged from a potent alchemy of their eclectic sensibilities.

Hailing from the small town of Malvern (a stretch of the English countryside he describes as “a beautiful place full of hippies and longhaired people”), Turner took up guitar in his early teens and later played in a series of psychedelic/surf-rock bands, while Fuller’s extensive background includes performing at Montreux Jazz Festival as a teenager and acting in the London theater. As they moved forward with a mission of “making music that sounds like our favorite records ever” (including everything from Peter Green-era Fleetwood Mac to folk-blues act Delaney & Bonnie to Fleet Foxes), the duo dreamed up a batch of songs in a London flat and self-released an early version of Life and Life Only in late 2020, eventually catching the attention of ATO Records and signing with the U.S.-based label in 2022.

  • Admission: £28.33

  • Performer name: The Heavy Heavy

  • Age restriction: 16+

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