All London's live music


The Waite Collective

The Alpaca, N1 8LU , [Venue Details]

Mal Waite and her two daughters, Rebecca Holmes and Katrina Turner, each with an “exceptional” voice, sing with belief and commitment.

10 Feb 2025
Doors open @7.00pm

With a repertoire that is varied, not to say eclectic, their voices seem to blend effortlessly as they take turns to sing the melody and harmony roles. Their obvious enjoyment in singing and performing together spills over to include the audience in the warm rapport they clearly have together.

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  • Admission

    Min: £7.00

    Max: £10.00

  • Performer name: The Waite Collective

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The Waite Collective

Monday, 10 Feb 2025 Doors open @7.00pm

The Alpaca, N1 8LU
i Venue Info

More Information

Mal Waite and her two daughters, Rebecca Holmes and Katrina Turner, each with an “exceptional” voice, sing with belief and commitment.

With a repertoire that is varied, not to say eclectic, their voices seem to blend effortlessly as they take turns to sing the melody and harmony roles. Their obvious enjoyment in singing and performing together spills over to include the audience in the warm rapport they clearly have together.

  • Admission

    Min: £7.00

    Max: £10.00

  • Performer name: The Waite Collective

Thanks for looking at Halibuts.

We're the only website listing ALL London's live music.

We track ~1,000 venues and list every type of live music.

Free for all to use, our aim is to support live music in London. Our App is also free.

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